Saturday, November 16, 2013

What was the political system in Germany during WWI?

During World War I, Germany was led by a King. His name
was Kaiser Wilhelm II. He became King after his father, Kaiser Wilhelm I, had died.
During his rule, Germany did have an elected Parliament that made laws even though
Germany was considered a monarchy.

Kaiser Wilhelm II made
several blunders as the emperor of Germany. For example, he really didn’t believe going
to war was a good idea, but he went ahead and declared war against Russia and then
against France after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and Russia declared war on
Austria-Hungary. Even though he was the head of the army, it was really a few generals
who made most of the decisions for Germany during World War

As Germany faltered in the war, the Kaiser lost the
support from political leaders, and he was forced to give up the throne. He went to the
Netherlands where he lived until his death in 1941.

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