Saturday, November 23, 2013

How does Lenina demonstrate that her childhood conditioning has been effective?From chapter 4-6

It has been effective to some degree since she is shallow
and seems to have absorbed the values of their society/training.  She does, however,
have a problem:  she seeks a more lasting relationship with one man, something that is
clearly against all her conditioning and is also interested in Marx who is a little
strange;  Fanny warns her abou both these situations.  However, her conditioning returns
when she meets the Savage and is attracted to him.  John attempts to relate to her as he
has been "taught" in Shakespeare --- with the passions and emotions that are familiar to
us, and she is unable to deal with these feelings that are contractory to all she has
been conditioned to think about human/sexual relationships.  If she had been able to
ovecome these, we might have had a most interesting relationship between these two
characters; of course, this would have been a totally different book

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