Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What is ironic about the animal's pride in the mill when it's finished and the results of all Boxers hard work?George Orwell's Animal Farm

In Chapter Five of Animal Farm,
Snowball, who has studied some of Mr. Jones's books, contends that the animals will
prosper if they build a windmill which can provide electricity, thus automating some of
the farm work.  However, after Snowball has completed all the blueprints for the
windmill and he gives an inspiring speech, Napoleon sics the dogs upon Snowball, driving
him from the farm.  Then, Napoleon takes command and tells the others that
Sunday-morning meets would come to an end; in the future a committee of the pigs would
make decisions.  After this, Squealer, Napoleon's propagandist explains that Snowball
was no better than a criminal.

Ironically, after Snowball
has been gone for three weeks, the animals are told by Napoleon that the windmill will
still be built.  Later, Squealer, the propagandist, explains that Snowball had really
stolen the plans for the windmill from Napoleon.  The animals are rather dubious, but
Squealer is convincing and the dogs growl threateningly, so the intimidated animals
accept his words.

With the windmill half finished, the
animals are extremely proud.  However, a terrible storm comes in the night; the next day
the animals stare at the ruins of their windmill. When Napoleon looks at it, he again
makes Snowball the scapegoat.  Snowball, who originally thought of the windmill and who
has been run off for suggesting the creation of this windmill is now, ironically,
accused of its destruction.


"Comrades,...do you know who is responsible for
this?  Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? 

He tells the
others that they will rebuild the windmill to demonstrate to Snowball that he cannot
defeat them. This statement is doubly ironic since Napoleon was originally against the
windmill and ran Snowball off for having designed it.  Then, he took credit for these
very plans and has the animals build it. When the windmill is destroyed by a gale,
Napoleon then blames Snowball.

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