Sunday, November 3, 2013

According to Jared Diamond in Guns, Germs and Steel what is the defenition of food production?

Food production according to Jared
Diamond is the process of growing food by agriculture or

People until the last 11 millennia survived by
hunting wild animals and searching for edible plant products in the wild. This was a
very difficult task as food which we can consume is very difficult to obtain in the wild
and does not have enough of the nutrients that we

When people started domesticating wild animals and
plants and ate the livestock and crops which were the result of doing this, they created
sources of food that were easy to obtain nutrients from and had enough of what was
required. This made the shift to food production one of primary reasons for the
development of groups of people around the world. Groups of people living in parts that
adopted this practice earlier were able to dominate those that did not do

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