Sunday, November 10, 2013

Can a essay being addressed to one specific audience?For example, if I want to address it to my dad, can write "Do you remember, dad? That time our...

Given that an essay is, simply, a piece of writing on a
particular subject, I could not find any reason as to why it could not be written to a
specific audience.

For example, if you are writing an essay
to explain the Naturalistic period, you would want to know who your audience is so that
you could customize the language so as to elevate it (when your audience is a board of
professors) or lower it (when your audience is high school

Any essay is best produced when the author keeps
the audience in mind. Using terminology which is over the head of your audience will
always force them to become confused or turn off completely. If writing about medical
procedures for someone getting ready to have surgery, one would not want to use the
medical terms used by doctors. Instead, they would use layman's terms to insure
understanding for the audience.

As for writing an essay and
addressing it to your father, based upon the answer provided above, there should be no
problem. The only thing that you would need to watch would be if the assignment requires
you to follow the general rule of not using the pronoun "I" in formal

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