Thursday, November 14, 2013

In The Scarlet Hetter what is Hawthorne saying about the Puritan women of the New World ?

As The Scarlet Letter opens,
Hawthorne takes the opportunity to give the reader his opinions of the New World women. 
Long before we see Hester and her baby exit the jail, we hear what the women think about
the young mother.  The women (or as Hawthorne calls them the "gossips") claim that the
men of the town have been to lenient on young Hester because of her beauty.  They
believe that if they were in charge she would have received her due punishment-
branding, deportment, or even death.  Instead, they feel that simply forcing her to wear
a letter (which they point out can easily be covered or removed) doesn't adequately give
Hester the opportunity to learn her lesson from her

In this chapter Hawthorne is showing us the
harsh, judgmental side of the Puritan town.  A town that was built for people wishing
religious freedom is still quick to judge (and punish) those who step away from their
moral codes.


“This woman has brought shame upon us all, and
ought to die. Is there not law for it? Truly there is, both in the Scripture and the
statute-book. Then let the magistrates, who have made it of no effect, thank themselves
if their own wives and daughters

The harsh women feel that
Hester has brought embarssament to the town, and that without punishment others may
follow her nefarious example.

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