Friday, November 8, 2013

What did Dutch explorers discover?I need it for a school test.

During the 1500s in the Age of Exploration, when strong
European countries with powerful ships began exploring the world,  the British and the
Dutch began trading with Asian countries.

In the late 1500s
the Dutch (Holland) or the newly formed Republic of the Netherlands built trade routes
with the islands of Indonesia which was called the Dutch East Indies back then. By early
1600s Portugal was losing power in South-East Asia. Holland on the other hand was
becoming more powerful and controlled the Dutch East Indies. After the Portugese and
Spanish had reported that there were new lands in the South Pacific Ocean, the Dutch
sent ships to investigate. Willem Jansz, and Dirck Hartog were some of the captains who
lead these ships and explored the new area and coastlines of

Batavia, on the island of Java was the main
Dutch base and Dutch traders sailed to the East Indies to take spices, gold and precious
metals back to Holland. The route to Java took the Dutch sailors around the Cape of Good
Hope in Africa and then they would head south where the Roaring Forties would provide
such strong winds that they would travel very quickly across the Indian Ocean before
heading north for Java.Sometimes the Roaring Forties blew the sailing ships further east
than the captain intended and sometimes, the captain made mistakes in navigation. This
led to some Dutch ships being shipwrecked along Australia’s west coast. When this
happened, ships were sent from Java to search for the wrecked ships, and through their
voyages, more knowledge about Australia’s western coastline was

Dutch explorers were:






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