Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mary feels torn: should she tell him the truth now or should she rely on human resources staff to tell him?Mary works as a secretary in a...

 Mary feels torn: should she tell him the truth now or
should she rely on human resources staff to tell him?

Mary works as a
secretary in a department within a branch of a large corporation. The branch director
has decided that the job of her department director, Jim, will soon be discontinued.
Although Mary and a few others in her department have this knowledge, Jim does not.  For
a few weeks, Jim is directed to work on an array of special projects at his home office.
In the meantime, an employee from a different department is told to move in to Jim's

The branch director instructs Mary and other support staff to
change Jim's voice mail, move his files out of the office, and erase his name from his
assigned parking spot. Mary is told the human resources department will call Jim to let
him know what has taken place.

That week Jim calls Mary
because he cannot get into his voice mail. He wants to know if there are any technical
problems about which he should know.

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