Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What is an example of Endothermic change and Exothermic Change? Not the difference but some example?

An exothermic reaction releases energy into the
environment. Some examples of these are:

  • The
    combustion of carbon to form carbon dioxide. Heat is released in the

  • Solidification of a liquid releases heat. This
    is one of the reasons why water does not get converted to ice spontaneously; the heat
    that is released has to be eliminated for the reaction to proceed. This is what happens
    in a refrigerator.

An endothermic reaction
absorbs heat from the environment. Some examples of these

  • The evaporation of a liquid is an
    endothermic reaction. If you place some alcohol on hand and let it evaporate you will
    find your hand feels cold.

  • Photosynthesis is an
    endothermic reaction which requires energy that is obtained from

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