Sunday, November 24, 2013

Can someone tell me the reason why some kids cant talk about when they have been sexually abused?I'm doing an essay about abuse that needs to be...

There are a number of reasons why children keep silent
about sexual abuse. One issue is that younger children may not really understand what is
happening to them, and may lack the vocabulary to talk about it. This is why
psychologists sometimes give children dolls and ask them to have the dolls interact; the
child may be able to directly demonstrate something that they are not able to put words

Another reason is related to imbalance of power.
Children are taught that adults are always right, and they are conditioned to submit to
adult decisions. While this is, in general, a way to protect children and assure their
well-being, it can be used by an abuser to assure the child's compliance and silence;
all the abuser has to do is tell the child to keep the

Some children, particularly those who are a bit
older or more sophisticated, can be coerced into silence with threats. The abuser may
threaten to injure or kill the child's family members or pets, or may tell the child
that the child will get in trouble if the story comes out.

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