Thursday, November 7, 2013

What literary ideals are implied in Ben Jonson's poem "To the Memory of My Beloved, The Author, Mr. William Shakespeare, and What He Hath Left Us"?

Ben Jonson's famous elegy of William Shakespeare implies a
number of significant literary ideals, including the

  • The best praise of a
    writer should be well-informed and judicious. It should be praise offered by someone who
    knows what s/he is talking about. Such praise should come from someone who is himself
    respected, but it should not be blind, fawning flattery

  • Great writers can enhance the reputations of
    their nations, and Shakespeare is one of the greatest of English writers (19-21, 29-30,

  • Ideally great writers should know the classics,
    although a writer can be greateven if he does not read the classical languages. In any
    case, the classical authors provide a standard by which we can judge modern writers, who
    can sometimes surpass the ancients (31-40).

  • Great
    writers can become historical figures who will never be forgotten

  • Great contemporary writers can be effectively
    praised by using language associated with the Greek and Roman classics (44-46,

  • Nature can be the subject of great poetry, but
    great writing is also the result of great skill and art. Great works are works that are
    well designed and well-constructed (47-50).

  • Natural
    talent, and nature as the source of literary subjects, are both  important in creating
    great writing, but craftsmanship and art are also very


. . . though the Poet's matter Nature
His art doth give the fashion. (57-58; see also

  • Anyone who
    hopes to produce writing that will really last must work hard at his/her writing

  • Hard work at writing is a process that
    transforms the writer as well as the work (62).

  • A
    careless writer may earn scorn (63), “For a good Poet’s made as well as born”

  • A great writer’s character and intelligence
    survive in what he writes (66-68).

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