Saturday, January 16, 2016

What causes alienation and what are its effects in To Kill a Mockingbird?Tthis is a question dealing with To Kill a Mockingbird and The Absolutely...

Racism and intolerance of others are just two reasons for
the alienation of some characters in To Kill a Mockingbird. The
Negro population is alienated from most of the white populace of Maycomb simply because
of the color of their skin and the prevailing segregationist views of the times. Dolphus
Raymond is an outcast among Maycomb's white citizens because he (a white man) prefers
the company of Negroes and has a black mistress. Miss Caroline and the Misses Tutti
& Frutti are shunned because they come from Northern Alabama--and because Tutti
& Frutti are deaf, spinsters, and Republicans. The Radleys are scorned because
of the past events that have occurred between Boo and his father; Boo and his brother
are anti-social, and the rest of Maycomb responds to them in a like manner. The
Cunninghams and Ewells are alienated because of their poverty and their geographical
locale: The Cunninghams live in Old Sarum, well outside of Maycomb; and the Ewells live
adjacent to the town dump. Dill is alienated from his parents for other reasons. His
mother and  father(s) would rather spend their time together alone--without
Dill--preferring to shower him with gifts and send him to Maycomb each summer instead of
showing him the love and attention that he so desires.

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