Sunday, January 31, 2016

Not many women sexually abuse kids, why is it mostly men?

It is a misconception that the percentage of girls who
have been sexually  abused is far larger than the number of boys who have faced the
same. According to research, around 20% of boys face sexual abuse before they turn 18
while the same for girls is close to 25%. Society, with the notion that males are
stronger and can take care of themselves, makes it very difficult for boys who have been
sexually abused to come forward and tell others about

Recent studies also show that women are only considered
to be victims of sexually abuse and not the perpetrators as society and in turn the
courts often take the cases of women who are convicted for sexually abuse boys more
lightly. A man indulging in the same crime would have to face a punishment that is much
harsher than a women though the emotional impact on the victim, whether a girl or a boy
is the same.

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