Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What are three main characteristics that make a monster? Explain why.

A monster, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is as

: an animal or plant of abnormal form or
structure b : one who deviates from
normal or acceptable behavior or character

a threatening force

3 a
: an animal of strange or terrifying shape
b : one unusually large for its kind

something monstrous especially : a
person of unnatural or extreme ugliness, deformity, wickedness, or cruelty.

Based upon these four definitions, one can
define what makes a monster in many different ways.

Since your
question is posed under Frankenstein, it would be pertinent to
address the monster depicted in the novel first.

Victor's monster
can be justified as a monster based upon all four of the definitions given. The monster
deviates from the acceptable form of what one considers human. Throughout the story, the
monster becomes a threatening force. Lastly, the monster is also seen as possessing a
terrifying shape and extreme ugliness.

That being said, there are
also other ways society defines a monster when adhering to the definitions provided.
People who commit crimes so hideous against society are, many times, deemed monstrous.
For example, in  Walter Dean Myers' novel Monster, Steve Harmon is
considered a monster simply based upon the fact he is being tried for murder.

Lastly, is the supernatural monster. The monsters depicted in
epics like Beowulf (Grendel), current nonfiction texts like
Twilight (Edward and Jacob), and the mythological texts like
The Labors of Hercules (Medusa) all are defined by the
characteristics above. 
Therefore, a monster comes in many different
packages. The defining of a monster is simply based upon a personal interpretation of
what they deem monstrous.

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