Friday, December 18, 2015

What are the main issues raised by society's response in the films Edward Scissorhands and Big Fish by Tim Burton?

Each of the films you describe centers around unusual
people who have a supernaturally bizarre trait of some kind.  In each case, the
characters live on the fringes of society until someone comes along who sees them for
their, shall we say, inner beauty, and appreciates them.  My favorite example is in
Big Fish, where there are a series of characters with odd
deformities or proclivities who find solace in each other, and in the one place where it
is ok for them to be abnormal- the circus.  The same thing basically happens to poor

There are several things we learn about society
from this.  First of all, just because someone is different does not make him or her
scary.  We should get to know people, rather than fear or discriminate against them
because they are different.  The “freaks” in these films are actually usually gentle and
kind despite their initial scariness.  In each case, the person who discovers them
benefits, and so does the community at large.   Let that be a lesson for all of

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