Sunday, June 28, 2015

You are a cotton planter in South Carolina. Compose a letter to your friend in New York City explaining why your state just seceded from the Union.

While we cannot, of course, write a letter for you, we can
give you some ideas of what to say.  To write this letter, you should emphasize the

  • That slavery is an issue that should
    be left to the states.  You should say that the national government has no business
    trying to interfere with the affairs (like slavery) of any

  • That slavery is no worse than the "wage slavery"
    that occurs in the North.  You should point out that slaveowners take care of sick
    slaves and old slaves.  Factory owners in the North do not do any such things and their
    workers live as badly as slaves.

  • That your state is left
    with no choice because of Lincoln's election.  You should point out that Lincoln wants
    to end slavery (even though he says he won't) and that he has no reason to care about
    the South since he hates slavery and since no one in the South voted for

Therefore, to preserve your state's rights
against people who hate your system without good reason, you need to

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