Friday, June 12, 2015

What can I do to be the hands of Christ on earth?

Christ came to Earth to be a sacrament or visible sign of
God's love for all people. God wanted to reveal Himself to all human beings, so He sent
Jesus to Earth to reveal Himself and His will. Christ spent his life helping others,
healing, teaching, and bringing the Kingdom of God to Earth. Then to show how great
God's love is, Jesus suffered, died, and resurrected from the dead for all humankind.
Following in the footsteps of Jesus, then, whenever we show selfless or self-sacrificing
love to others, we are being the hands of Christ. There are endless ways to do this, for
example washing the dishes for your family, offering to babysit, visiting a sick person
in the hospital, baking cookies for a fundraiser for a children’s hospital, working in a
soup kitchen or homeless shelter, offering someone a ride, helping a friend understand
their homework etc. These are all ways to be Christ’s loving hands in the world and help
bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth.

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