Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Why did spinsters and bachelors in Europe rush to get married during the second world war

In the face of any conflict throughout history, those
preparing to go to war tend to do certain things to "tie up loose ends" in the peaceful
lives they are leaving behind. For many men preparing to become fighters involved in a
war, one of those activities may involve getting married to the girlfriend he will be
leaving behind.

This statement of commitment carries many
levels of meaning and importance. It is an indication of the feelings the husband and
wife have for each other and a promise that those feelings will continue regardless of
the war's impact. It is an expression of hope that the husband will return from the
fighting to continue life with his wife after the war. If the couple did not engage in
premarital intercourse, the marriage before the husband departed allowed them some short
period of time in which they could enjoy this benefit of

Becoming a wife instead of a girlfriend also gave
the woman a different status. If the man was killed, the wife was entitled to different
benefits as surviving spouse than would be available to a girlfriend. Wives were more
likely to be allowed to visit injured husbands in hospitals than were girlfriends. The
mutual support women gave each other on the home front was more organized and had
greater depth for wives than for girlfriends.

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