Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What is science and what are five reasons that it is important?

Like many terms whose meaning at first seems obvious, the
term "science" is actually quite difficult to define precisely. Or perhaps it is more
accurate to say that the term has been defined in many different ways (and understood in
many different senses) over the course of many centuries, so that defining it in any
limited, strict, or single sense is very difficult.  One has only to look at the many
ways the term has been used to realize how difficult defining it precisely really is
(see The Oxford English

For present purposes, the
definitions provided at dictionary.com seem

a branch of
knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and
showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.

systematic knowledge of the physical or material
world gained through observation and experimentation.


any of the branches of natural or physical science.


systematized knowledge in general.


knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.

a particular branch of knowledge.


skill, especially reflecting a precise application of facts or principles;

Of these definitions,
perhaps # 5 most closely corresponds to what most people have in mind when they speak of

The importance of "knowledge gained by systematic study"
is hard to over-estimate. Here are five reasons why such knowledge is

  • It is
    knowledge. In other words, it is a set of claims and
    assertions in which we can have enormous confidence because those claims have been
    tested and have proven reliable.  This is not to say that science is never wrong or
    infallible; indeed, it is precisely the fact that scientific claims can be falsified --
    that is, proven untrue -- that we can have great confidence that generally accepted
    claims of science are reliable.

  • It makes possible the
    manipulation of matter, allowing us to build things like
    bridges and airplanes and have good reasons to assume that they will not collapse or
    crash.  Without science, material progress by humans would be haphazard and

  • It contains the possibility of
    growing knowledge. One scientific "discovery" often leads
    to another, and that one to another, and that one to another, in ways that are not true
    in other fields of human endeavor.

  • It can be
    systematically taught. It does not rely as much as other
    kinds of thinking on inspiration, guess work, intuition, or chance.  All these factors
    play some role in scientific discovery, but once a discovery has
    been made it can be taught to people as a truth in a way that is not true in other, less
    rigorous fields.

  • It is convincing not
    because it is rhetorically attractive or emotionally satisfying but because it has
    enormous predictive value: science allows us to peer into
    the future in ways that other fields of study do not and

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