Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How is nurture critical to the human animal?I have to study about the human animal and have to talk about the role of nurture being critical, can...

In many ways, nurture is what makes us who we are as human
beings.  Of course, there are aspects to us that come about because of our nature.  We
can be tall or short, we can have skin and eyes of different colors.  There are other
attributes of ours that are more ambiguous and may be affected by either nature or by
nurture.  These are things like our personalities, our temperaments and our

But there are also things that are clearly
affected by our nurture.  Think of the ways that who you are has been affected by the
way you have grown up.  For example, your moral beliefs are likely to have been strongly
affected by what your parents believe.  You may belong to a particular church and have
particular religious beliefs in part because that is what you have been taught as you
have grown up.  As another example, people who grow up in America are taught certain
idea about the value of human life and about the importance of the individual that are
different from what people in some other societies are taught as they grow

Clearly, both our heredity and our nuruture help to
make us who we are.  However, those parts of us that are most human (such as what we
think and what we believe) seem to be affected to a great extent by our

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