Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What is the exposition in "Good Country People" by Flannery O'Connor?

An exposition, in a short story, provides information on
the main characters of the story and the

Therefore, in Flannery O'Connor's short story
"Good Country People," the exposition ends at the introduction of the main conflict: Joy
Hulga's distrust of Manley Pointer.

The exposition, itself,
begins with the opening of the story. Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Hopewell are both
introduced. Each of the women have daughters, Mrs. Freeman’s daughters, Glynese and
Carramae, and Mrs. Hopewell's daughter, Joy-Hulga, are introduced as well. Another
character introduced, a little later in the story, is Manley

The exact location of the story, a tenant farm in
Georgia, can easily be pictured by the reader given the title, descriptions of the
surroundings, and the mentality of the women in the story (stereotypical
characterizations provided by O'Connor).

Background is
given on Joy-Hulga. Her education in Philosophy and her accident allow readers to
understand her mindset and own personal ideologies.

being said, the exposition ends when Joy-Hulga admits her distrust in Pointer. This is
where the rising action begins and the story begins to move toward the

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