Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Can anyone tell me the techniques of memorizing the algebraic formulas?The formula does not really get into my head. Can you tell me a technique...

I think the best technique is to really try to understand

For example, consider the formula `x^a * x^b =
x^(a+b)` . Instead of thinking about just memorizing it, stop to think about
why that's the formula. Try to really understand it. Consider an
example, say `x^4 * x^2` . We know that `x^4 = x*x*x*x` and `x^2 = x*x` , therefore `x^4
* x^2 = (x*x*x*x) * (x*x) = x*x*x*x*x*x` . Now we see there are 4+2 = 6 x's multiplied
by each other, so we have figured out on our own that `x^4*x^2=x^(4+2) = x^6`

This is a good technique to use on any problem. Stop and
think about what you know, and use the tools you know to solve harder

Of course, the best way to learn anything is by
practicing. Do lots of problems. As you do more and more problems, the techniques will
become natural, and will build upon each other.

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