This is a fascinating question to discuss in response to
this story. The issue is that we and the villagers are never actually sure what the
arrival of the angel signifies or means. Does it actually represent a transcendent or
religious experience? The villagers offer up a whole flotilla of theories concerning the
arrival of the angel, and the narrator tantalises us by never providing us with any
concrete meaning or conclusions that we can make. If the angel is a celestial visitor,
it is clear that the villagers do not treat him as
found the whole neighbourhood in front of the chicken coop having fun with the angel,
without the slightest reverence, tossing him things to eat through the openings in the
wire as if he weren't a supernatural creature but a circus
Even the priest of
the village, Father Gonzalo, who we expect to be slightly more knowledgeable than his
flock, shows his ignorance and petty nature through his assumption that since the angel
can't speak Latin he can't actually be an angel. If transcendent or religious experience
is there for us to participate in, this story suggests that we often miss it or are
blinded to it becuase of our own ignorance, perspectives prejudices. How often are
transcendent experiences available to us that we miss because of our own