Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What main points should be focused on when criticizing or analyzing a play?How to write a reflection of a play: what are the important elements or...

There are several aspects of a theatrical performance that
must be included in a review.

First, make sure to state
what you saw, where you saw it, and when you saw it.  You should give a brief synopsis
and discuss the theme of the play.

The rest of the critique
should focus on three major elements: Acting, Directing, Production

You should describe the principal actors in detail
- what they did well and what was wanting.  You might also mention a chorus or smaller
role if they were noteworthy in some way (either good or bad).  Make sure to not confuse
the actors and the characters.

Directing is a little more
difficult to see, especially if it's good.  You should discuss the blocking (movement of
the actors), the pace, and the overall vision of the piece.  This last bit is the hard
part to see.  Consider whether the production is unified -- all of the pieces working
together to communicate the playwright's theme.

Values is a large umbrella term for all of the technical aspects of a performance: set
design, lighting, props, costumes, lighting, sound, special effects, etc.  There may be
separate designers to credit, so be careful who you are blaming or

You want to tie your piece together by discussing
the message that was sent, either purposefully or by accident, by the various
constituencies involved.  Was the performance effective communicating a message? Did it
move you?

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