Monday, September 16, 2013

Short critical analysis of Poem 5.

Catullus' "Poem 5" is perhaps the most famous of his
works. The poem, all about the love between two people, depicts the importance of
placing their shared love above all other things. For Catullus, the speaker, it seems
that he wishes nothing more than to focus his life on the love between himself and his

That being said, critically, the poem offers a very
specific light on the power of love. It seems that regardless of anything else, the love
shared grows from the initial "brief light" to the "many kisses

One could justify that this is one of the most
romantic poems ever written. Focus does not lie upon anything but the singular kiss. The
kiss, or more specifically the thousands of kisses, become symbolic of the love the two
share. The melting of one kiss into another simply acts as a metaphor for the love
shared. While one can not witness the emotion of love from an outside viewpoint, one can
examine the physicality of a kiss.

Therefore, the kiss
represents love. A love grows exponentially over time. The kisses shared in the poem do
as well--to the point one kiss cannot be separated from

Ultimately, Catullus is providing a new look at
love. Here has accomplished it. He has provided a image which many are familiar with and
aligned it with a concept few truly understand.

In the end,
nothing matters but the love between Catullus and Lesbia. In reality, nothing else
should when love like this is found.

What is curious is the
name "Lesbia." Catullus used the name as a pseudonym for himself. Also, the name can be
seen as a reference to the island of Lesbos--a place notoriously depicted as a place
filled with erotic descriptions.

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