Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Discuss the symbolic signisicance of the title of Hawthorne's novel:"THE SCARLET LETTER"plz answer in detail

Toward the beginning of The Scarlet
 Hester Prynne is forced to wear a scarlet letter "A" on her clothing
at all times because it was discovered (that though married) she'd had an adulturous
union with an unknown man and bore a daughter. At first, Hester's punishment continually
haunts Hester and separates her from the other members of her community. However,
through the course of the novel, we see the letter burn, glow, and change, as though
taking on a life of its own. In fact, because Hester does not flee from wearing the
brilliant red symbol of adultery, and stands up to what she's done, she "purge(s) her
soul" and is able to achieve a new life with more "purity than that which she had lost."
Therefore, the title is significant because it not only refers to the punishment Hester
initially receives but also to the way Hester achieves salvation and becomes superior to
her fellow citizens by bearing it without shame and facing her past and her

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