Thursday, March 3, 2016

Which would you say is Masaccio's most famous artwork that reflects the early Renaissance period the best?

A good example of the work of
Masaccio (1401-1428) and how it relates to the artistic
innovations of the Early Italian Renaissance is his fresco, The
Holy Trinity, with the Virgin and Saint John and donors

(Santa Trinità). The fresco depicts
the Crucifixion of Jesus with an unusual barrel vault in the background, which greatly
enhances the three-dimensionality of the work. It is the earliest known surviving work
to use systematic linear perspective, and the fresco features several of Masaccio's
innovative techniques, including a vanishing point and the occupation of the viewer's
space (with characters kneeling in the extreme bottom "front" of the piece). Its framed
background was inspired by Roman triumphal arches, and Masaccio employs a technique
known as trompe l'oeil ("deceives the eye") in which the barrel
vault is


"... divided into squares with rosettes that
diminish and are foreshortened so well that there seems to be a hole in the

The fresco, which can
be viewed in Florence's Santa Maria Novella Church, is highly three-dimensional except
in one respect: The God who stands behind the Crucifix is given greater space since he
is "an immeasurable being." The painting is also the first known work to use the iconic
combinations of the Virgin Mary, St. John the Evangelist, God and the tomb in a single

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