Sunday, February 21, 2016

What are some really good quotes that describe Rainsford and Zaroff? I have to find quotes about them for this essay I'm writing and I can't...

Sometimes using quotes to describe a character is a great
way to examine the indirect characterizations provided by the author. An indirect
characterization is where the author provides clues about a character by using dialogue,
actions, and relationships with other characters. (Example: She could not help but think
everyone was out to get her. Every time the group of girls glanced in her direction, she
thought they were making up lies.- Here one can interpret the character's mentality as
one which is self-conscious and worrying.) Direct characterization is when the author
tells readers exactly what a character is like. (Example: She thought she was better
than every one else. She walked around with her nose in the air, directing mean looks in
anyone's direction who would cross her path. The author is very direct about this type
of character.)

As for quotes from Connell's short story
"The Most Dangerous Game", one can use quotes to define the types of characters both
Zaroff and Rainsford are.

"Who cares how a jaguar feels?"-
This quote shows Rainsford's initial lack of concern for the one being hunted. Later in
the story, his mentality certainly changes.

"The hunter had
his nerve with him to tackle it with a light gun."- Here, readers are given insight into
the character through dialogue provided by Rainsford. The hunter, Zaroff, his nerve.
While readers do not yet know what is going to happen, they can look back on this quote
and use it to justify Zaroff's nerve later in the story.

have but one passion in my life, Mr. Rainsford, and it is the hunt."- Here, Zaroff
allows readers to understand interpret that he is a very driven man. The obsession of
the hunt is the only thing that matters to him.

"I have
invented a new sensation."- Here, one can come to realize Zaroff's inventiveness. When
faced with the problem of becoming bored with traditional hunting, Zaroff invented
something new. This shows his creativeness and his violence (as readers will find out

"It was expected of noblemen's sons."- Here,
readers find out about Zaroff's background. He lived a life of privilege and benefits.
This speaks to his thoughts behind doing anything that he deemed necessary to entertain

"Thank you, I'm a hunter, not a
murderer."- Here, Rainsford is specifically showing his disdain for Zaroff and stating
his thoughts on murder over hunting. This shows his ability to separate the two, unlike
Zaroff. Therefore, the quote also shows what kind of person Zaroff is by the statement
Rainsford makes. He is, essentially, calling Zaroff a

"That is why I use them. It gives me pleasure."-
This quote shows Zaroff's cold-bloodedness. He is willing to murder, or hunt as he says,
men for sport.

"I have played the fox, now I must play the
cat of the fable."- Here Rainsford realizes how quickly the hunter can become the
hunted. His ideas about the jaguar's feelings have certainly changed. Therefore,
Rainsford has changed.

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