Saturday, February 20, 2016

Is the title of "The Most Dangerous Game" ironic at all? Richard Connell's "The Most Dangerous Game"

In a most skillfully contrived plot, Richard Connell
presents antagonists and protagonists who, ironically, switch roles under a title that
is both double entendre and ironic.  In oneinstnace of irony, as
they dine in his chateau, General Zaroff and Sanger Rainsford discuss hunting and big
game.  Rainsford tells the general that he has always felt that the Cape buffalo is "the
most dangerous of big game," but the general counters with the

in my preserve on this island,....I hunt more dangerous game....[T]he

Thus, there is much
irony in General Zaroff's remark. The "game" of which he speaks is the human being, who,
while by no means is the biggest in size, is certainly the most clever and intelligent,
and, therefore, dangerous.

Zaroff considers man as the most
dangerous of game since man can use his intellectual capabilities and devise clever
schemes for the defeat of his foe.  His term is ironic because he says something and
means more than what he says in his response to Rainsford's comment about the Cape
buffalo.  Furthermore, Zaroff's remark is also an example of dramatic irony as he does
not realize that it is he who is to become, not the hunter, but himself the "most
dangerous game."

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