Thursday, April 23, 2015

What's the significance of the invention of the telegraph and typewriter?

The typewriter and the telegraph were important
inventions. Both of these inventions made it easier for people, for governments, and for
businesses to communicate with each other.

Before the
typewriter, everything had to be written by hand. If a person had poor handwriting, it
would be difficult for a message to be read and understood. Using the typewriter
increased the speed at which messages could be written. A person could type words much
faster than by writing them.

The telegraph also increased
the speed of communication. Messages could be sent long distances very quickly. Instead
of taking a few weeks or longer to get a message from coast to coast or across the
Atlantic Ocean, messages could be sent immediately. This allowed companies to do more
business. It also allowed for improved military and political communication. No longer
would battles be fought after a war ended such as the Battle of New Orleans occurring
after the Treaty of Ghent was signed. Government orders and information could also be
transmitted much quicker with the use of the telegraph. Little did people know in the
1840s, the invention of the telegraph was the beginning of instant

Both of these inventions improved communication
significantly for everybody.

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