Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Will writing and reading mainly be a thing of the past in the electronically advanced countries by 2050?William Crossman, founder of the Institute...

I do not believe that Crossman is correct about this.  The
written word (whether on paper or on the computer screen) is a much better store of
knowledge than the spoken word.  Even if computers one day have great voice recognition
and speech capacities, it will still be better to read information from the computer

The reason for this is that it is much easier to
process and understand complex information when it is in writing than when it is
spoken.  It is too easy to miss a word or a sentence in listening and then have a hard
time understanding.  If you are reading, you can simply go back to where you were
before.  This is less easily done when listening.

We must
also think about the logistics of this.  There is no way that people will be in offices
all listening to their computers talk to them.  It would be chaotic if they did not have
headphones and inconvenient if they always had to wear headphones to listen to the
computer because they would be unable to interact with colleagues as

I think that there is a place for voice
recognition, but I do not think it will change us from a written to an oral

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