Friday, November 27, 2015

How should I search for this article? Dowling, David. " 'other and More Terrible Evils': Anticapitalist Rhetoric in Harriet Wilson's Our Nig and...

A good way to search for any academic article or book
these days is to begin with a Google search.  Google now searches numerous other
databases and thus provides a very quick overview of what is available where.  Google
will also give you a sense of how other people have used or responded to an article or
book.  Citations of books, in particular, can be found by using the "Google Books"
search feature. By the way, your own question is already indexed on

When I plugged the name of the author and title of
the article into Google, I quickly discovered that the article is available through
various data bases that are accessible mainly through library or individual
subscriptions. For example, the article is available through Project Muse, an extremely
helpful database but one that requires a


href="">Project MUSE -
College Literature - “Other and More Terrible Evils

D Dowling - 2009 - href="">Related
David Dowling. "“Other and
More Terrible Evils”: Anticapitalist Rhetoric in


was hoping, however, that I could find the article for you in a database that would not
require a subscription or an individual payment.

As it
turns out, the article is available in its entirety and at no charge at this


this source does not reproduce the article as a PDF file, so that you can see exactly
how it looked when originally published (with original page numbers, etc.), but you can
still cite this version in a paper.

The article can also be
read in its entirety on Google Books since it was republished in a volume authored by
Dowling.  Here is a shortened version of the relevant
[ href="">Open in new

Hope this helps, not only in providing
acccess to the article itself but also in showing you how easily research can be done
these days, thanks in large part to Google!

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