Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How can these words be used in sentences and their meaning? Illustrate, Rhetoric, Tradition, Anatomy, Absurd, Epiphany,Literature, Conspicuous,...

Illustrate: to make something clear. The instructions
illustrated how to put the model together.

Rhetoric: art of
persuasive or effective writing/speaking. His precise rhetoric provided crucial to him
obtaining the job.

Tradition: inherited or established
action or behavior. Our tradition is to go to Grandma's for

Anatomy: structural make-up of an organism. The
anatomy of the cat will be understood after dissecting its

Absurd: unreasonable or unsound. The idea to hold a
car wash during the thunderstorm was absurd.

Epiphany: a
revealing moment or sudden understanding. I had an epiphany when I saw the murderer on
the television and realized I knew him.

Literature: body of
written works; writings on a specific subject. The literature on Christian theology is
very extensive.

Conspicuous: obvious or attracting
attention. The blood on the knife was

Eliminate: to end or get rid of. The company,
wishing to eliminate excess waste, started using real plates for

Provision: measure taken beforehand to deal with
an upcoming, expected, or assumed need. They had provisions stocked up for the end of
the world in 2012.

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