Friday, August 28, 2015

What is the main point of the poem "The Lake" by Deborah Ager?What is she trying to say?

The best way to understand a poem is to examine it stanza
by stanza and look at the overall whole once finished.

poem "The Lake" begins off as such:


The yard half a yard,/ half a lake blue as a
corpse,/ The lake will tell you things you long to hear:/ get away from here./
Three o'clock. Dry leaves rat-tat like

Here the speaker
seems to be alluding to the deadness of the lake. The imagery of the blue corpses and
dry leaves signal death.


Whisky-colored grass/ breaks at every step and
trees/ are slowly realizing they are nude./ How long will you
/ For the lake asks questions you want to hear,

Here the lake seems to
recognize the fact that autumn is coming and, just as the leaves are leaving, the lake
expects the speaker to leave as well.


Months have passed since, well,/ everything.
Since buildings stood/ black against sky, rain hissed from sidewalks/ and curled around
you./ O, how those avenues once seemed

The speaker seems
to have changed their feelings about the area by which the lake "lives." It seems that
with things going away, the area no longer seems


I know what you miss/ sings
the lake. Car horns groaning/ in rush hour. Sweet coffee.Wind/ pounding like hammers.
Warmth of a lover./ Crickets humming love songs to the

The lake begins to
recognize that the way they (the lake and the speaker) feel about the changes taking
place are different for them both. That being said, the lake does recognize the feelings
of the speaker much better than the speaker recognizes the feelings of the

Here, Ager seems to be speaking to the fact that
chagne brings about different feelings for different "people" (the lake has been
personified given its ability to speak).

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