Wednesday, July 15, 2015

How does Oedipus Rex follow the unities ?Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

While the "Unity of Place" was simply the necessity of
construction for the Greek stage, the only unity that Aristotle insisted upon was the
"Unity of Action" although he did state that tragedy must keep its action "within one
revolution of the sun," implying that "Unity of Time" is also a requisite to

Unity of

The action of Oedipus
by Sophocles centers around Thebes where the city has been beset with
plagues, famines, and fire. As king, Oedipus promises to seek the reason for these
punishments; in so doing, he learns that the gods have reacted against the murder of
their previous king, Laius. And, tragically, it is revealed that Oedipus has been the
murderer. Oedipus punishes himself by blinding himself; then, he has Creon order his
exile. ending the play, however, with Oedipus being led into the

Unity of

The plot of Oedipus Rex does keep its
action within Aristotle's "one revolution of the sun." For, the incidents that lead to
the tragedy-- the prophecy that causes Laius and Jocasta to give up their son, the
discovery of the baby Oedipus, and the murder of Laius--are all outside the drama
proper. It is only the attempt to learn the cause(s) of the problems in Thebes that
concerns the drama.

Unity of

All the action of the drama proper
revolves around the attempt of Oedipus to find a remedy for the terrible occurrences in
Thebes.  He sends his brother-in-law Creon to the Oracle of Apollo in Delphi to learn
what causes the fire, famine, and plague in Thebes.  When Creon returns, Oedipus begins
his investigation of the death of his predecessor, Laius.  Of course, he learns his own
involvement in this death and the consequences of his


his Poetics, which has become the consummate guideline for tragedy,
Aristotle praises Oedipus Rex for having an exemplary,
well-constructed plot that takes place with one full day; in addition Aristotle contends
that Sophocles's play is one which is capable of inspiring fear and pity not only in its
audience but especially in those who have merely heard of the story.  And, part of this
impact upon audiences is due to the play's unity of action, as well as unified time and

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