Saturday, January 24, 2015

For Beowulf's resume, what can I put for Beowulf'swhat can i put for his objective, origin, height, weight, skills, postion applying for and more...

This is a creative assignment, so you can put almost
anything within reason.  His origin, according to the poem, is from the Land of the
Geats.  For height and weight, I would put something pretty tall and pretty heavy
because the poem refers to him as a giant, and he is strong enough to defeat formidable

As far as skills, he would probably be adept at knife
weilding, battling dragons, inspiring fellow warriors - things like

You can be very creative as to the objective.  He
could be applying for a battle training company, a dragon killing business, or for a
position as lead warrior.

This sounds like a cool
assignment - have fun with it.

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