Saturday, February 15, 2014

What would be a good research question about historical travel?

It sounds like you're looking for a thesis statement or a
topic to discuss in a paper. When discussing history, remember that there is still a lot
of debate about timelines and order of events.

Travel is an
interesting topic to write about. Over time, man has graduated from walking to riding
animals to automobiles, airplanes, and ocean liners. There is a ton of information to
draw from, so you might start with a quick overview of travel methods and then move to
your historical topic.

For example, if you were writing
about the methods armies have used to travel over the years, you would research infantry
history, animal-drawn carts and carriages, and animals used as weapons, like elephants,
which could also carry equipment. You would then move on to boats, which have been
around for a long, long time, and move up from Viking Longboats to the ocean-sailing
vessels used by England and Spain, and then to the first Ironclad ships in the 19th
century, and then logically to modern diesel and nuclear-powered vessels. Finally, air
travel would begin with balloons and airships, move through the Wright Brothers and the
air battles of the First World War, and then to the role of air support in the Second
World War and so forth.

Really, there is a lot of
information to draw on. The most important thing to remember is to pick a topic you can
write about clearly and logically, and support your arguments with facts. The standard
essay form will serve you well here, introducing your topic and then the "research
question" will be your Thesis statement. After that, lay out your points and facts in
the Body, finish with a Conclusion that covers all your points simply, and Cite all your

Good luck!

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