Saturday, February 8, 2014

What events in Virginia in 1619 helped shape the American history?

In 1619, Virginia was reeling from severe tragedies. The
former Governor, Samuel Argall, had ruled with dishonesty, and the recent death of the
Indian Chief Powhatan had thrown diplomatic relations into uncertainty. The lack of
gold, one of the biggest reasons for the Virginia Company's (formerly the London
Company) interest, made the welfare of the fledgling colony of lesser importance, and so
there were fewer supply ships and contact with

However, Virginia Company head Sir Edwin Sandys
had better plans, and sent replacement Governor Sir George Yeardley, who created the
House of Burgesses; modeled after the British Parliament, it included twenty-two
delegates, who met in July and offered new settlers laws officiated not by kings but by
popular opinion and honest vote. This was the first governing body of its sort in the
Americas, and set down guidelines for all similar systems that followed, including rules
about eligibility (men over 17 who owned land). The concept of government by the people
became a rallying point for settlers who wanted to escape the monarchies of Europe and

The second major event in Virginia in 1619 was the
formal institution of slavery. The first African slaves to land on American shores were
put to work in a capacity similar to indentured servitude, although this attitude did
not last long. Some were able to buy or win freedom through conversion to Christianity,
and some were even able to purchase slaves for themselves. Public attitudes toward
slavery remained in this mode for several years before becoming a deliberate, race-based
system. Slavery as a means of wealth and survival (expendable workers) continued to be
the norm well into the 19th century.

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