Thursday, February 27, 2014

What is an unique cell analogy besides a city and a factory?I have heard of city,country,farm,factory,amusement parks,etc and i want something...

An anaolgy is any comparison between two things.  The
first step to finding a unqiue analogy is to think about things that you are really
familiar with.  In order to make a comparision you have to know a lot about both things,
not just the cellular organelles, but also the item(s) in your

Some possible examples include comparing the cell
to your school, your home, an amusement park, or even your favorite

Think about the key parts of the cell and what
they do.

Nucleus: control

mitochondria: powerhouse

lysosome: garbage disposal of the

Lets say you are going to compare it to
your home.  Who runs your house?  One of your parents is probably the nucleus of the
house.  Who supplies all of the energy?  Maybe you think of energy as food, so who cooks
the food.  Maybe you think of energy as excitement and fun, so who is the most energetic
personality in your house (maybe a sibling or a pet).

hope you get the point.  Anything can be an analogy, just think about a situation that
you are familiar with.  The point of this assignment is to help you remember what each
organelle does, so the more creative you get with it, the better you will remember the
functions come test time.

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