Sunday, October 11, 2015

I need help fast with some questions:How does Dahl use suspense and the krait to create internal conflict in the story "Poison"?

Masonobeans, policy is that you may only ask one question
per posting, so I've narrowed your 3 questions down into one.  I hope this

In "Poison", Dahl begins hooking his reader with the
presence of the extremely venomous snake - the krait.  We, the readers, turn the pages
and want to know what's going to happen: will Harry Pope get bitten by the snake?  Will
he die?  Will the doctor and Timber save him or will they too be bitten by the krait? 
Readers ask themselves questions such as these all throughout the story.  Harry's real
sense of fear (he's petrified) and his unwillingness to move at all while waiting for
rescue, add to the mood of the story and keep us wanting to know what will

The krait itself is an external conflict (Harry
Pope v. the venomous snake).  However, the krait is also a symbol for the ideas of
racisim presented when Harry Pope begins hurling racial slurs at the good doctor when
they discover that there is no snake in the bed.  Another type of poison could be fear -
fear paralyzes some people, much like a poison

Internal conflict present is Harry's state of mind,
his fear, and his racist remarks.  He must really believe those racist things if he's
saying them outloud.

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