Sunday, September 13, 2015

In a country as religious as Egypt is it likely that sex education will have an effect on population growth?

I assume that the basic assumption of this question is
that Egypt, as a strongly Muslim country, will not have its population growth rate
affected much by family planning projects.  While this may be true, it has not been true
for all Muslim countries.  Therefore, it is at least possible that Egypt could see a
decrease in fertility if it adopts a policy of promoting family

As can be seen in the links below, there is no
clear and necessary connection between Islam and fertility levels.  Iran is, of course,
a strongly Muslim country with a theocratic government in power.  Even so, there has
been a strong increase in contraceptive use and a decrease in fertility.  On this
evidence, it is hard to argue that an Islamic country cannot cause its fertility to

It may be that religion will be less of a block to
decreasing population growth rates than economic factors.  Around the world, increasing
wealth and prosperity has typically caused fertility rates to decline.  It may be that
Egypt is too poor to experience fertility decline, not too

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